Pro plan free trial

You can now try the Pro plan for free for 7 days! No credit card required.

If you already have an account you can activate it from the subscription tab on settings screen. If you’re just signing up, just hit the “Start 7-day free trial” button.

These are the other notable changes from last week:

  • Infinite scroll. Blogs with a large number of posts were having slow load times. Now only the first 10 posts are loaded on initial page load. The rest of the posts are loaded as the user scrolls down the page.
  • SEO improvements. All blogs now come with a sitemap.xml and a robots.txt so search engines can easily find the content (also necessary now with the infinite scroll).
  • Code injection for posts and pages. You can now also add custom code on the head tag for specific posts and pages. (And if you add a noindex meta tag they’ll be excluded from the sitemap.xml).
  • Nicer 404 page. If someone visits a URL that doesn’t exist they’ll now get a nicer “Page not found” page using the blog’s layout (instead of Rails’ default 404 page 🤦‍♂️).